I don’t want to scare anyone, but if you’re not getting married in the city or a glass bubble, you’ll probably find a few bugs on your dress at some point in the day. Insects are either attracted to light colors or they’re just really easy to spot on light dresses, and add in the “mosquito net” effect of layers of tulle and you’re probably going to interact with some many-legged friends.
I’m not a fan of spiders, but I have removed many a spider from dresses and (I think) I’ve been totally calm…um, on the outside. For the most part, brides have a wide range of reactions from indifference, to freezing to…freaking (depending on the spider, I’m right there with ya.)
But when Eve spotted a spider on her dress I was totally surprised by her reaction. She ever so kindly and gently picked it up, and looked around for just the right flower to re-home it before turning back to take pictures with Eric.
We saw that same kindness and gentleness in Eric, as well as in both their families. They loved the outdoors and nature (to get married at Stout’s Island, that’s pretty much a requirement) and the highlight of the night for me was the 10-15 minutes we all chilled out on the beautiful boat of the venue owner, watching the sunset and enjoying the cool breeze in the water.
Eric and Eve, anytime you want to get married again, we’re there. We loved capturing your day – congratulations!